Lord & Lady Palumbo
Lord Peter Palumbo is a notable property developer in London, England. He served as chairman on the Art Council of Great Britain, on the Board of Trustees of the Architecture Foundation and as Chairman of the Pritzker Prize. Lord Palumbo commissioned famed architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe for a project in the City of London and owned the Farnsworth House outside of Chicago, Illinois. For a time Lord Palumbo owned the Maisons Jaoul by Le Corbusier in Paris.
It is this love of architecture that propelled Lord Palumbo to visit Fallingwater in 1985, which stands just a short distance from Kentuck Knob. During his visit to Fallingwater he was informed there was another Wright-designed home nearby that was for sale.
In a redoubling of the family's commitment to Kentuck Knob's future, Lord Palumbo's son Philip takes an active role in the company's management.
"Life, on occasion ...
... becomes a matter of serendipity. When circumstances conspire to propel one in a certain direction, it is best to go with the flow, or so I have found, even if the precise destination is at the time unknown."
- Peter Palumbo, May 6, 1998

Peter Palumbo had long been fascinated by the work, as well as the life and times, of Frank Lloyd Wright. Though on the first visit to Kentuck Knob, Lord Palumbo was only able to view the house from the exterior, he stated, “I went, I saw, and I was conquered.” He continues, “A second visit was therefore essential, and indeed one was arranged a few weeks later. My ardor burned as bright as ever – brighter still, in fact, when the interior of the house not only met, but exceeded, my expectations. And thus, the
purchase was made.”
Since purchasing the home, Lord and Lady Palumbo have enjoyed spending time at Kentuck Knob each year. The Palumbos opened Kentuck Knob to the public in 1996, and the property
welcomes thousands of visitors from around the world each year. Over the years, the Palumbos have filled Kentuck Knob with beautiful art and treasures from around the globe. They have also added sculpture around the property for visitors to enjoy, from artists such as Sir Anthony Caro, George Rickey, Andy Goldsworthy, and other notable artists.
Read Lord Palumbo’s foreword to Donald Hoffman’s book, Frank Lloyd Wright’s House on Kentuck Knob